7 Wonders Duel Tools: tools to help with 7 wonders Duel. First is a progress token randomizer
Codenames table replacer: use a tablet/phone to replace the board, features words from the base game
Colossal Arena creature selector: randomly selects the 8 creatures to use during your game
Crosstalk card generator: replace the deck with your phone, cards generated exactly as in the game
Martian Dice: the fast playing dice game using ReactJS
Qwixx dice roller: generates dice rolls and combinations easily
Say Anything question selector: a simple question picker for this party game
Second Chance deck replacer: replaces the draw deck for this pen-and-paper game[
SET Game: the classic card game using ReactJS
Targi Resource Tool: helps track resources
Zombie Dice: the brain-eating dice game using ReactJS
codenames word list: All 400 words from the Codenames base game
crosstalk word list: All 1944 words and phrases from the Crosstalk game